Friday, July 12, 2013

Courage Personified -- Happy Birthday Malala Yousafzai ! -- Malala addresses the United Nations

Happy 16th birthday, Malala Yousafzai. And thank you for giving the world this gift on your birthday.

Malala is courage personified. What inspiring strength from such a young person. 

Although often conflicts are oversimplified by partisans to elevate the "us" and demonize or otherwise denigrate the "them", there are times when good is indeed confronting evil, and/or enlightenment confronting ignorance. Malala's fight for girls -- in particular, for their right to education -- against the Taliban is such a case. It is moving to see such a strong and articulate activist and spokesperson for the side of good and enlightenment.

Many happy returns, Malala.

Gordon Landwirth
Click here to see "Honoring Mandela"